IBD RS (Relative Strength) Rating Module
This module provides tools for analyzing and ranking stocks based on their
relative strength compared to a benchmark index, inspired by the Investor's
Business Daily (IBD) methodology.
Key Features:
- Relative strength calculation
- Stock and industry ranking generation
- Rating-based filtering of rankings
import ibd
import vistock.stock_indices as si
code = 'SOX'
tickers = si.get_tickers(code)
stock_df = rankings(tickers,
rs_window=rs_window, rating_method=rating_method)
See Also:
- `RS Rating — Indicator by Fred6724 — tradingview
- `Relative Strength (IBD Style) — Indicator by Skyte — TradingView
- `relative-strength/rs_ranking.py at main · skyte/relative-strength
- `Exclusive IBD Ratings | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
__version__ = "5.6"
__author__ = "York <york.jong@gmail.com>"
__date__ = "2024/08/05 (initial version) ~ 2024/10/27 (last revision)"
__all__ = [
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import yfinance as yf
import vistock.yf_utils as yfu
from .ranking_utils import *
# IBD Relative Strength (1-Year Version)
def relative_strength(closes, closes_ref, interval='1d'):
Calculate the relative strength of a stock compared to a reference index.
Relative Strength (RS) is a metric used to evaluate the performance of a
stock relative to a benchmark index. A higher RS rating indicates that the
stock has outperformed the index, while a lower RS rating suggests
This function calculates the RS rating by comparing the quarter-weighted
growth of the stock's closing prices to the quarter-weighted growth of
the reference index's closing prices over the past year. The formula is as
growth = (current - previous) / previous
gf = current/previous = growth + 1
relative_rate = gf_stock / gf_index
relative_strength = relative_rate * 100
Here gf means "growth factor", i.e., "price ratio"
The quarter-weighted growth is calculated using the `weighted_growth`
closes: pd.Series
Closing prices of the stock.
closes_ref: pd.Series
Closing prices of the reference index.
interval: str, optional
The frequency of the data points. Must be one of '1d' for daily data,
'1wk' for weekly data, or '1mo' for monthly data. Defaults to '1d'.
Relative strength values for the stock.
>>> stock_closes = pd.Series([100, 102, 105, 103, 107])
>>> index_closes = pd.Series([1000, 1010, 1015, 1005, 1020])
>>> rs = relative_strength(stock_closes, index_closes)
growth_stock = weighted_growth(closes, interval)
growth_ref = weighted_growth(closes_ref, interval)
rs = (1 + growth_stock) / (1 + growth_ref) * 100
return round(rs, 2)
def weighted_growth(closes, interval):
Calculate the performance of the last year, with the most recent quarter
weighted double.
This function calculates growths (returns) for each of the last four
quarters and applies a weighting scheme that emphasizes recent performance.
The most recent quarter is given a weight of 40%, while each of the three
preceding quarters are given a weight of 20%.
Here is the formula for calculating the return:
RS Return = 40% * P3 + 20% * P6 + 20% * P9 + 20% * P12
P3 = Performance over the last quarter (3 months)
P6 = Performance over the last two quarters (6 months)
P9 = Performance over the last three quarters (9 months)
P12 = Performance over the last four quarters (12 months)
closes: pd.Series
Closing prices of the stock/index.
interval: str, optional
The frequency of the data points. Must be one of '1d' for daily
data, '1wk' for weekly data, or '1mo' for monthly data.
pd.Series: Performance values of the stock/index.
>>> closes = pd.Series([100, 102, 105, 103, 107, 110, 112])
>>> weighted_perf = weighted_growth(closes)
# Calculate performances over the last quarters
p1 = quarters_growth(closes, 1, interval) # over the last quarter
p2 = quarters_growth(closes, 2, interval) # over the last two quarters
p3 = quarters_growth(closes, 3, interval) # over the last three quarters
p4 = quarters_growth(closes, 4, interval) # over the last four quarters
return (2 * p1 + p2 + p3 + p4) / 5
def quarters_growth(closes, n, interval):
Calculate the growth (percentage change) over the last n quarters.
This function uses 63 trading days (252 / 4) as an approximation for
one quarter. This is based on the common assumption of 252 trading
days in a year.
closes: pd.Series
Closing prices of the stock or index.
n: int
Number of quarters to look back.
interval: str, optional
The frequency of the data points. Must be one of '1d' for daily data,
'1wk' for weekly data, or '1mo' for monthly data.
The return (percentage change) over the last n quarters.
>>> closes = pd.Series([100, 102, 105, 103, 107, 110, 112])
>>> quarterly_growth = quarters_growth(closes, 1)
quarter = {
'1d': 252//4, # 252 trading days in a year
'1wk': 52//4, # 52 weeks in a year
'1mo': 12//4, # 12 months in a year
periods = min(len(closes) - 1, quarter * n)
grwoth = closes.ffill().pct_change(periods=periods, fill_method=None)
return grwoth.fillna(0)
# IBD Relative Strength (3-Month Version)
def relative_strength_3m(closes, closes_ref, interval='1d'):
Calculate the 3-Month Relative Strength of a stock compared to a reference
index, based on price performance (growths).
The 3-Month Relative Strength Rating (RS Rating) measures the stock's
price performance against a benchmark index over a recent three-month
period. This rating is designed to help investors quickly gauge the
strength of a stock's performance relative to the market.
closes: pd.Series
Closing prices of the stock.
closes_ref: pd.Series
Closing prices of the reference index.
interval: str, optional
The frequency of the data points. Must be one of '1d' for daily data,
'1wk' for weekly data, or '1mo' for monthly data. Defaults to '1d'.
3-Month relative strength values for the stock, rounded to two decimal
places. The values represent the stock's performance relative to the
benchmark index, with 100 indicating parity.
# Determine the number of trading days for the specified interval
span = {
'1d': 252 // 4, # a 3-month period based on 252 trading days in a year
'1wk': 52 // 4, # 13 weeks (3 months) for weekly data
'1mo': 12 // 4, # 3 months for monthly data
return relative_strength_with_span(closes, closes_ref, span)
def relative_strength_with_span(closes, closes_ref, span):
Calculate the relative strength of a stock compared to a reference index
based on price performance (growths), over a specified period.
closes: pd.Series
Closing prices of the stock.
closes_ref: pd.Series
Closing prices of the reference index.
span: int
The span (number of periods) to calculate the exponential moving
average (EMA) for the growth factors.
Relative strength values for the stock, rounded to two decimal places.
The values represent the stock's performance relative to the benchmark
index, with 100 indicating parity.
# Calculate daily growths (returns) for the stock and reference index
growth_stock = closes.pct_change(fill_method=None).fillna(0)
growth_ref = closes_ref.pct_change(fill_method=None).fillna(0)
# Calculate daily growth factors
gf_stock = growth_stock + 1
gf_ref = growth_ref + 1
# Calculate the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) of the growth factors
ema_gf_stock = gf_stock.ewm(span=span, adjust=False).mean()
ema_gf_ref = gf_ref.ewm(span=span, adjust=False).mean()
# Calculate the cumulative growth factors
cum_gf_stock = ema_gf_stock.rolling(window=span,
min_periods=1).apply(np.prod, raw=True)
cum_gf_ref = ema_gf_ref.rolling(window=span,
min_periods=1).apply(np.prod, raw=True)
# Calculate the relative strength (RS)
rs = cum_gf_stock / cum_gf_ref * 100
return rs.round(2) # Return the RS values rounded to two decimal places
# IBD RS Rankings
def rankings(tickers, ticker_ref='^GSPC', period='2y', interval='1d',
rs_window='12mo', rating_method='rank'):
Analyze stocks and generate a ranking table for individual stocks and
industries based on Relative Strength (RS).
This function calculates Relative Strength (RS) for the given stocks
compared to a reference index, then ranks both individual stocks and
industries according to their RS values. It provides historical RS data and
rating rankings.
tickers : list of str
A list of stock tickers to analyze.
ticker_ref : str, optional
The ticker symbol for the reference index. Defaults to '^GSPC' (S&P
period : str, optional
The period for which to fetch historical data. Defaults to '2y' (two
interval : str, optional
The frequency of the data points. Must be one of '1d' for daily data,
'1wk' for weekly data, or '1mo' for monthly data. Defaults to '1d'.
rs_window : str, optional
The time window ('3mo' or '12mo') for calculating Relative Strength
(RS). Defaults to '12mo'.
rating_method : str, optional
The method to calculate ratings. Either 'rank' (based on relative
ranking) or 'qcut' (based on quantiles). Defaults to 'rank'.
A DataFrame containing stock rankings and RS ratings.
# Set moving average windows based on the interval
ma_wins = { '1d': [50, 200], '1wk': [10, 40]}[interval]
vma_win = { '1d': 50, '1wk': 10}[interval]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Invalid interval. " "Must be '1d', or '1wk'.")
stock_df = build_stock_rs_df(tickers=tickers, ticker_ref=ticker_ref,
period=period, interval=interval,
stock_df = stock_df.sort_values(by='RS', ascending=False)
rs_columns = ['RS', '3mo:1mo max', '6mo:3mo max', '9mo:6mo max']
rating_columns = ['Rating (RS)', 'Rating (3M:1M)', 'Rating (6M:3M)',
'Rating (9M:6M)']
ranking_df = append_ratings(stock_df, rs_columns,
rating_columns, method=rating_method)
ranking_df = move_columns_to_end(
'52W pos',
*[f'MA{w}' for w in ma_wins],
f'Volume / VMA{vma_win}',
return ranking_df
def build_stock_rs_df(tickers, ticker_ref='^GSPC', period='2y', interval= '1d',
Fetch historical stock data and calculate Relative Strength (RS) for the
given stock tickers compared to a reference index.
This function returns a DataFrame that includes the RS values and
historical max RS values over different periods for each stock.
tickers : list of str
A list of stock tickers to analyze.
ticker_ref : str, optional
The ticker symbol for the reference index. Defaults to '^GSPC' (S&P
period : str, optional
The period for which to fetch historical data. Defaults to '2y' (two
interval : str, optional
The frequency of the data points. Must be one of '1d' (daily), '1wk'
(weekly), or '1mo' (monthly). Defaults to '1d'.
rs_window : str, optional
The time window for calculating Relative Strength. Either '3mo' for
short-term or '12mo' for long-term RS. Defaults to '12mo'.
A DataFrame containing stock rankings with the following columns:
'Ticker', 'Price', 'RS' (current),
'RS (1wk:max)', 'RS (1mo:max)', 'RS (3mo:max)', 'RS (6mo:max)',
'RS (9mo:max)'.
# Select the appropriate relative strength function based on the rs_window
rs_func = {
'3mo': relative_strength_3m,
'12mo': relative_strength,
# Set moving average windows based on the interval
ma_wins = { '1d': [50, 200], '1wk': [10, 40]}[interval]
vma_win = { '1d': 50, '1wk': 10}[interval]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Invalid interval. " "Must be '1d', or '1wk'.")
# simple moving average function
sma = lambda x, win: x.rolling(window=win, min_periods=1).mean()
# Batch download stock price data
df_all = yf.download([ticker_ref] + tickers,
period=period, interval=interval)
df_ref = df_all.xs(ticker_ref, level='Ticker', axis=1)
rs_data = []
price_ma = {}
for ticker in tickers:
df = df_all.xs(ticker, level='Ticker', axis=1)
# Caluclate Moving Average
for win in ma_wins:
price_ma[f'{win}'] = sma(df['Close'], win).round(2)
vol_div_vma = (df['Volume'] / sma(df['Volume'], vma_win)).round(2)
# Calculate Relative Strengths
rs = rs_func(df['Close'], df_ref['Close'], interval)
end_date = rs.index[-1]
# Calculate max values for the specified time periods
one_week_ago = end_date - pd.DateOffset(weeks=1)
one_month_ago = end_date - pd.DateOffset(months=1)
three_months_ago = end_date - pd.DateOffset(months=3)
six_months_ago = end_date - pd.DateOffset(months=6)
nine_months_ago = end_date - pd.DateOffset(months=9)
# Calculate position in 52W range
high_52w = df['Close'].rolling(window=252, min_periods=1).max().iloc[-1]
low_52w = df['Close'].rolling(window=252, min_periods=1).min().iloc[-1]
current_price = df['Close'].asof(end_date)
range_position = (current_price - low_52w) / (high_52w - low_52w)
'Ticker': ticker,
'RS': rs.asof(end_date),
'1wk:end max': rs.loc[one_week_ago:end_date].max(),
'1mo:1wk max': rs.loc[one_month_ago:one_week_ago].max(),
'3mo:1mo max': rs.loc[three_months_ago:one_month_ago].max(),
'6mo:3mo max': rs.loc[six_months_ago:three_months_ago].max(),
'9mo:6mo max': rs.loc[nine_months_ago:six_months_ago].max(),
'Price': df['Close'].asof(end_date).round(2),
'52W pos': range_position.round(2),
**{f'MA{w}': price_ma[f'{w}'].iloc[-1] for w in ma_wins},
f'Volume / VMA{vma_win}': vol_div_vma.iloc[-1],
# Create DataFrame from RS data
stock_df = pd.DataFrame(rs_data)
return stock_df
# Unit Test
def main(rating_method='qcut', rs_window='12mo', out_dir='out'):
import os
from datetime import datetime
import vistock.stock_indices as si
from vistock.ibd_fin import financial_metric_ranking
code = 'SPX'
code = 'SOX'
tickers = si.get_tickers(code)
df_rs = rankings(tickers, rs_window=rs_window, rating_method=rating_method)
df_fin = financial_metric_ranking(tickers)
if df_rs.empty or df_fin.empty:
print("Not enough data to generate rankings.")
columns_to_keep = ['Ticker', 'Sector', 'Industry']
df_stock = pd.merge(df_rs, df_fin[columns_to_keep],
on='Ticker', how='left')
print('\nStock DataFrame:')
rs_columns = ['RS',
'1mo:1wk max', '3mo:1mo max', '6mo:3mo max', '9mo:6mo max']
columns = ['Sector', 'Ticker'] + rs_columns
df_industry = groupby_industry(df_stock, columns, key='RS')
df_industry = df_industry.sort_values(by='RS', ascending=False)
df_industry = df_industry.reset_index(drop=True)
rating_columns = ['Rating (RS)', 'Rating (1M:1W)', 'Rating (3M:1M)',
'Rating (6M:3M)', 'Rating (9M:6M)']
df_industry = append_ratings(df_industry, rs_columns, rating_columns)
print('\nIndustry DataFrame:')
# Save to CSV
today = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d')
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
for table, kind in zip([df_stock, df_industry],
['stocks', 'industries']):
filename = f'rs_{kind}_{rs_window}_{rating_method}_{today}.csv'
table.to_csv(os.path.join(out_dir, filename), index=False)
print(f'Your "{filename}" is in the "{out_dir}" folder.')
if __name__ == "__main__":
import time
start_time = time.time()
main(rating_method='qcut', rs_window='3mo')
print(f"Execution time: {time.time() - start_time:.4f} seconds")