This module provides a function to plot financial data for a given stock symbol
using mplfinance. The data includes Basic EPS, Operating Revenue, Trailing EPS,
and Forward EPS (if available). The function allows customization of chart
styles via the `style` parameter and supports saving the plots as PNG files.
The `plot` function generates two subplots:
1. Quarterly financial data.
2. Annual financial data, with markers for Trailing EPS and Forward EPS.
The plot is saved in the specified `out_dir` as a PNG file.
See Also:
- `mplfinance/examples/external_axes.ipynb
__software__ = "Financial Chart"
__version__ = "1.3"
__author__ = "York <york.jong@gmail.com>"
__date__ = "2024/09/07 (initial version) ~ 2024/09/07 (last revision)"
__all__ = ['plot']
import pandas as pd
import yfinance as yf
import mplfinance as mpf
from .. import tw
from .. import file_utils
from . import mpf_utils as mpfu
from ..yf_utils import fetch_financials
def plot(symbol, style='yahoo', out_dir='out'):
"""Plots the financial data of a stock symbol using mplfinance.
The function fetches Basic EPS, Operating Revenue, Trailing EPS, and
Forward EPS for the given stock symbol from Yahoo Finance, with data
divided into quarterly and annual segments. The data is plotted using
mplfinance with different chart styles as specified by the `style`
parameter. Dummy OHLC data is generated for plotting purposes, with Basic
EPS and Operating Revenue plotted on separate y-axes.
The function also saves the plot as a PNG file in the specified `out_dir`
after generating the chart using mplfinance.
symbol: str
The stock symbol to analyze.
style: str, optional
The chart style to use. Common styles include:
- 'yahoo': Yahoo Finance style
- 'charles': Charles style
- 'tradingview': TradingView style
- 'binance': Binance style
- 'binancedark': Binance dark mode style
- 'mike': Mike style (dark mode)
- 'nightclouds': Dark mode with sleek appearance
- 'checkers': Checkered style
- 'ibd': Investor's Business Daily style
- 'sas': SAS style
- 'starsandstripes': Stars and Stripes style
- 'kenan': Kenan style
- 'blueskies': Blue Skies style
- 'brasil': Brasil style
Default is 'yahoo'.
out_dir: str, optional
Directory to save the output HTML file. Default is 'out'.
ticker = tw.as_yfinance(symbol)
# Fetch trailing and forward EPS from yf.info
info = yf.Ticker(ticker).info
trailing_eps = info.get('trailingEps', '')
forward_eps = info.get('forwardEps', '')
# Create an mplfinance figure with style and figsize
fig = mpf.figure(style=style, figsize=(10, 8))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) # Add first subplot
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) # Add second subplot
for ax, freq in zip([ax1, ax2], ['quarterly', 'annual']):
df = fetch_financials(
ticker, fields=['Basic EPS', 'Operating Revenue'], frequency=freq
if df.empty:
# Plot Basic EPS on primary y-axis
ax.plot(df.index, df['Basic EPS'],
label='Basic EPS', linestyle='-', color='blue')
ax.set_ylabel('Basic EPS', color='blue')
# Create a secondary y-axis for Operating Revenue
ax_twin = ax.twinx()
ax_twin.plot(df.index, df['Operating Revenue'],
label='Operating Revenue', linestyle='--', color='green')
ax_twin.set_ylabel('Operating Revenue', color='green')
# Add Trailing EPS and Forward EPS to the annual subplot
if freq == 'quarterly':
# Trailing EPS: last available date in the quarterly data
last_date = df.index[-1]
elif trailing_eps and forward_eps: # freq == 'annual'
ax.plot([last_date], [trailing_eps], 'ro',
label='Trailing EPS', markersize=8)
# Forward EPS: one year after the last available date
future_date = last_date + pd.DateOffset(years=1)
ax.plot([future_date], [forward_eps], 'rx',
label='Forward EPS', markersize=8)
# Disable grid for the secondary y-axis
# Add legends and titles
ax.legend(loc='center left')
ax_twin.legend(loc='center right')
fig.suptitle(f"{symbol} Financials", fontsize=16)
# Show the figure
# Save the figure
out_dir = file_utils.make_dir(out_dir)
fn = file_utils.gen_fn_info(symbol, '', df.index[-1], __file__)
fig.savefig(f'{out_dir}/{fn}.png', bbox_inches='tight')
if __name__ == "__main__":