Plot a 3-split (price, volume, RSI) stock chart.
* Data from yfinance
* Plot with mplfinance
* RSI from TA-Lib
__software__ = "Stock chart of price, volume, and RSI"
__version__ = "1.12"
__author__ = "York <york.jong@gmail.com>"
__date__ = "2023/02/02 (initial version) ~ 2024/09/05 (last revision)"
__all__ = ['plot']
import yfinance as yf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mplfinance as mpf
from .. import tw
from .. import file_utils
from ..utils import MarketColorStyle, decide_market_color_style
from . import mpf_utils as mpfu
from .. import ta
def plot(symbol='TSLA', period='1y', interval='1d',
ma_nitems=(5, 10, 20, 50, 150), vma_nitems=50,
style='yahoo', hides_nontrading=True, out_dir='out'):
"""Plot a stock figure that consists 3 suplots: a price subplot, a
volume subplot, and a RSI subplot.
The price subplot shows price candlesticks, and price moving-average lines.
The volume subplot shows a volume bar chart and a volume moving average
line. The RSI subplot shows only the RSI curve.
symbol: str
the stock symbol.
period: str, optional
the period data to download. Valid values are 1d, 5d, 1mo, 3mo, 6mo,
1y, 2y, 5y, 10y, ytd, max. Default is '1y'
- d -- days
- mo -- monthes
- y -- years
- ytd -- year to date
- max -- all data
interval: str, optional
the interval of an OHLC item. Valid values are 1m, 2m, 5m, 15m, 30m,
60m, 90m, 1h, 1d, 5d, 1wk, 1mo, 3mo. Default is '1d'
- m -- minutes
- h -- hours
- wk -- weeks
- mo -- monthes
Intraday data cannot extend last 60 days:
- 1m - max 7 days within last 30 days
- up to 90m - max 60 days
- 60m, 1h - max 730 days (yes 1h is technically < 90m but this what
Yahoo does)
ma_nitems: sequence of int, optional
a sequence to list the number of data items to calclate moving averges.
vma_nitems: int, optional
the number of data items to calculate the volume moving average.
legend_loc: str, optional
the location of the legend. Default is 'best'. Valid locations are
- 'best'
- 'upper right'
- 'upper left'
- 'lower left'
- 'lower right'
- 'right'
- 'center left'
- 'center right'
- 'lower center'
- 'upper center'
- 'center'
market_color_style: MarketColorStyle, optional
The market color style to use. Default is MarketColorStyle.AUTO.
style: str, optional
The chart style to use. Common styles include:
- 'yahoo': Yahoo Finance style
- 'charles': Charles style
- 'tradingview': TradingView style
- 'binance': Binance style
- 'binancedark': Binance dark mode style
- 'mike': Mike style (dark mode)
- 'nightclouds': Dark mode with sleek appearance
- 'checkers': Checkered style
- 'ibd': Investor's Business Daily style
- 'sas': SAS style
- 'starsandstripes': Stars and Stripes style
- 'kenan': Kenan style
- 'blueskies': Blue Skies style
- 'brasil': Brasil style
Default is 'yahoo'.
hides_nontrading: bool, optional
Whether to hide non-trading periods. Default is True.
out_dir: str
the output directory for saving figure.
# Download stock data
ticker = tw.as_yfinance(symbol)
df = yf.Ticker(ticker).history(period=period, interval=interval)
# Calculate price moving average
for n in ma_nitems:
df[f'MA {n}'] = df['Close'].rolling(window=n).mean()
colors = ('orange', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow')
# Calculate volume moving averaage
df[f'VMA {vma_nitems}'] = df['Volume'].rolling(window=vma_nitems).mean()
# Create subplots
addplot = [
# Plot of Price Moving Average
*[mpf.make_addplot(df[f'MA {n}'], panel=0, label=f'MA {n}', color=c)
for n, c in zip(ma_nitems, colors)],
# Plot of Volume Moving Average
mpf.make_addplot(df[f'VMA {vma_nitems}'], panel=1,
label=f'VMA {vma_nitems}', color='purple'),
# Plot of RSI
mpf.make_addplot(ta.rsi(df['Close']), panel=2, ylabel='RSI'),
mpf.make_addplot([70] * len(df), panel=2, color='red', linestyle='--'),
mpf.make_addplot([30] * len(df), panel=2, color='green', linestyle='--')
# Make a customized color style
mc_style = decide_market_color_style(ticker, market_color_style)
mpf_style = mpfu.decide_mpf_style(base_mpf_style=style,
# Plot candlesticks MA, volume, volume MA, RSI
fig, axes = mpf.plot(
df, type='candle', # candlesticks
volume=True, addplot=addplot, # MA, volume, volume MA, RSI
figsize=(16, 8),
show_nontrading=not hides_nontrading,
# Set location of legends
for ax in axes:
if ax.legend_:
# Convert datetime index to string format suitable for display
if interval.endswith('m') or interval.endswith('h'):
df.index = df.index.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
df.index = df.index.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
fig.suptitle(f"{symbol} - {interval} ({df.index[0]} to {df.index[-1]})",
# Show the figure
# Write the figure to an PNG file
out_dir = file_utils.make_dir(out_dir)
fn = file_utils.gen_fn_info(ticker, interval, df.index[-1], __file__)
if __name__ == '__main__':