Source code for vistock.yf_utils

Utility functions for working with Yahoo Finance data.

This module contains various utility functions for retrieving and processing
stock data using the Yahoo Finance API via the `yfinance` library.
__version__ = "4.3"
__author__ = "York <>"
__date__ = "2024/08/26 (initial version) ~ 2024/10/13 (last revision)"

__all__ = [

import sys
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
import logging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import yfinance as yf

# Logging

# Configure logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def setup_file_logging(): log_fn = f'{__name__}.log' print(f'Logging to file: {log_fn}') # Set up a file handler for logging file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_fn) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(file_handler) # Optionally disable the default handler to prevent output to console logger.propagate = False
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Weighted Average Metric (e.g., EPS, Revenue) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def calc_weighted_metric(financials, tickers_info, metric, weight_field, threshold=0.7): """ Calculate the weighted average of a specified financial metric for all stock symbols in the provided dataset using NumPy. The weights can be based on any specified field (e.g., market capitalization or shares outstanding). Parameters ---------- financials: dict A dictionary where each key is a stock ticker and the value is a DataFrame of the ticker's quarterly financials. tickers_info: dict A dictionary where each key is a stock ticker and the value is a dictionary of the ticker's info, including market cap, shares outstanding, etc. metric: str The name of the financial metric to calculate (e.g., 'Basic EPS', 'Total Revenue', 'Operating Revenue'). weight_field: str The field name to use for weighting (e.g., 'marketCap', 'sharesOutstanding'). threshold: float, optional The minimum percentage of the total possible weight required for a valid weighted average (default is 0.7, meaning 70%). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The weighted average of the specified metric over the specified number of quarters (or years). Examples -------- >>> tickers = ['AAPL', 'MSFT', 'GOOG'] >>> financials = download_financials(tickers, ['Basic EPS']) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE, +ELLIPSIS [...**********************100%**********************] 3 of 3 financials downloaded >>> tickers_info = { ... 'AAPL': {'marketCap': 3357369434112, ... 'sharesOutstanding': 15204100096}, ... 'MSFT': {'marketCap': 2985852141568, ... 'sharesOutstanding': 7433039872}, ... 'GOOG': {'marketCap': 1864140193792, ... 'sharesOutstanding': 5584999936}, ... } >>> weighted_eps = calc_weighted_metric(financials, tickers_info, ... 'Basic EPS', 'sharesOutstanding') >>> type(weighted_eps) <class 'numpy.ndarray'> >>> weighted_eps.shape (7,) """ # Initialize lists to store metric and weight data metric_list = [] weights = [] for symbol, financial_df in financials.items(): # Retrieve the weight based on the provided weight field weight = tickers_info.get(symbol, {}).get(weight_field, 0.) if (weight > 0 and financial_df is not None and metric in financial_df.columns): # Apply forward fill to fill missing metric values #metric_data = financial_df[metric].ffill() # Apply interpolate to fill missing metric values metric_data = financial_df[metric].infer_objects().interpolate() metric_list.append(metric_data.values) weights.append(weight) else: logger.warning("No valid metric or " f"weight data available for {symbol}.") if not metric_list: logger.warning("No valid metric data found for any symbol.") return np.array([]) # Ensure all metric arrays have the same length. Use NaN for padding. max_length = max(len(data) for data in metric_list) metric_array = np.full((len(metric_list), max_length), np.nan) # Fill metric data right-aligned for i, data in enumerate(metric_list): metric_array[i, -len(data):] = data # Right-align the data # Convert weights to a NumPy array weights = np.array(weights) # Calculate weighted metric using broadcasting weighted_metric = metric_array * weights[:, np.newaxis] # Create a mask for valid (non-NaN) values in weighted_metric valid_mask = ~np.isnan(weighted_metric) # Calculate total weight for each time point total_weight = np.sum(weights[:, np.newaxis] * valid_mask, axis=0).astype(float) max_total_weight = weights.sum() # Set values to NaN where total_weight is below threshold below_threshold_mask = total_weight < (max_total_weight * threshold) total_weight[below_threshold_mask] = np.nan # Calculate weighted average metric weighted_avg_metric = np.nansum(weighted_metric, axis=0) / total_weight return weighted_avg_metric
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Stock Data Downloading #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def fetch_financials(symbol, fields=None, frequency='quarterly'): """ Fetch the financials for a single ticker symbol using yfinance. Parameters ---------- symbol: str Ticker symbol as a string fields: list, optional List of fields to return. If None, all fields will be returned. Defaults to None. frequency: str The frequency of the financial data ('quarterly' or 'annual'). Returns ------- DataFrame DataFrame containing the ticker's financials """ try: ticker = yf.Ticker(symbol) try: financials = { 'quarterly': ticker.quarterly_financials.T, 'annual': ticker.financials.T, }[frequency] except KeyError: raise ValueError("\nFrequency must be 'quarterly' or 'annual'.") financials = financials.sort_index(ascending=True) if financials.empty: logger.warning(f"\n{symbol}: Financials data is empty.") return pd.DataFrame() if fields: # Check for missing fields and keep only those that exist missing_fields = [field for field in fields if field not in financials.columns] if missing_fields: logger.warning( f"\n{symbol}: Missing fields: " f"{str(missing_fields)} will be filled with NaN.") # Ensure all requested fields are present, # adding NaNs for missing fields for field in fields: if field not in financials.columns: financials[field] = np.nan # Filter financials to include only requested fields financials = financials[fields] return financials except Exception as e: logger.error(f"\nError fetching financials for {symbol}: {e}") return pd.DataFrame(np.nan, index=[0], columns=fields)
[docs] def download_financials(symbols, fields=None, frequency='quarterly', max_workers=8, progress=True): """ Downloads the financials (quarterly or annual) of multiple stocks and returns the specified fields. Parameters ---------- symbols: list of str List of ticker symbols, e.g., ['AAPL', 'MSFT', 'TSLA']. fields: list, optional List of fields to return. If None, all fields will be returned. Defaults to None. frequency: str, optional The frequency of the financial data to fetch. Options are 'quarterly' or 'annual'. Defaults to 'quarterly'. max_workers: int, optional Maximum number of threads to use for parallel requests. Defaults to 8. progress: bool, optional Whether to show a progress bar. Defaults to True. Returns ------- dict: A dictionary where each key is a stock ticker, and the value is a DataFrame of the specified fields. Examples -------- >>> symbols = ['AAPL', 'MSFT', 'TSLA', 'GOOG', 'AMZN'] >>> financials = download_financials(symbols, frequency='annual') ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE, +ELLIPSIS [...*******************100%**********************] 5 of 5 financials downloaded >>> epses = financials['AAPL']['Basic EPS'] >>> type(epses) <class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> >>> len(epses) >= 4 True """ financials_dict = {} with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor: future_to_symbol = { executor.submit(fetch_financials, symbol, fields, frequency): symbol for symbol in symbols } iteration = 0 for future in as_completed(future_to_symbol): symbol = future_to_symbol[future] try: financials = future.result() # Blocking call, waits for the result if not financials.empty: financials_dict[symbol] = financials if progress: iteration += 1 print_progress_bar(iteration, len(symbols), suffix='financials downloaded') except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error fetching financials for {symbol}: {e}") return financials_dict
[docs] def download_tickers_info(symbols, fields=None, max_workers=8, progress=True): """ Downloads the basic information of multiple stocks and returns the specified fields. Parameters ---------- symbols: list of str List of ticker symbols, e.g., ['AAPL', 'MSFT', 'TSLA'] fields: list, optional List of fields to return. If None, all fields will be returned. max_workers: int Maximum number of threads to use for parallel requests progress: bool Whether to show a progress bar Returns ------- dict: A dictionary where each key is a stock ticker, and the value is a dictionary of the specified fields. Examples -------- >>> symbols = ['AAPL', 'MSFT', 'TSLA', 'GOOG', 'AMZN'] >>> info = download_tickers_info(symbols) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [...*******************100%**********************] 5 of 5 info downloaded >>> info['AAPL']['longName'] 'Apple Inc.' """ def fetch_info(symbol): """ Fetch the info for a single ticker symbol using yfinance. Parameters ---------- symbol: str Ticker symbol as a string Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing the ticker's info """ try: info = yf.Ticker(symbol).info if fields is None: return info if 'symbol' not in info or info['symbol'] != symbol: return {} if 'quoteType' not in info: return {} inf = {} # Filter info dictionary to include only requested fields for key in fields: try: inf[key] = info[key] except KeyError: if key in ('previousClose', 'trailingEps', 'revenuePerShare', 'trailingPE', 'marketCap', 'sharesOutstanding'): inf[key] = np.nan # Default for numeric fields elif key in ['quoteType', 'sector', 'industry']: inf[key] = '' # Default for string fields else: inf[key] = None # Default for other data types logger.error( f"\nError fetching data for {symbol}: {e}") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"\nError fetching data for {symbol}: {e}") return inf info_dict = {} with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor: # Submit fetch_info tasks for all symbols to the thread pool future_to_symbol = { executor.submit(fetch_info, symbol): symbol for symbol in symbols } iteration = 0 for future in as_completed(future_to_symbol): symbol = future_to_symbol[future] try: info = future.result() # Blocking call, waits for the result if info: info_dict[symbol] = info if progress: iteration += 1 print_progress_bar(iteration, len(symbols), suffix='info downloaded') except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error fetching info for {symbol}: {e}") return info_dict
def print_progress_bar(iteration, total, length=48, fill='*', suffix=''): """ Call in a loop to create a terminal progress bar with the percentage in the middle. Parameters ---------- iteration: int Current iteration number total: int Total number of iterations length: int, optional Length of the progress bar in characters (default is 48) fill: str, optional Character used to fill the progress bar (default is '*') suffix: str, optional String to display at the end of the progress bar (default is '') Returns ------- None Examples -------- >>> print_progress_bar(3, 10, length=30) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [********* 30% ] 3 of 10 """ percent = f"{100. * (iteration / total):3.0f}%" percent_len = len(percent) filled_length = int(length * iteration // total) bar = fill * filled_length + ' ' * (length - filled_length) # Calculate the start position to place the percentage in the middle pos = (length - percent_len) // 2 # Replace part of the bar with the percentage string bar_with_percent = bar[:pos] + percent + bar[pos + percent_len:] # The \r moves the cursor back to the start of the line sys.stdout.write(f'\r[{bar_with_percent}] {iteration} of {total}' f' {suffix}') sys.stdout.flush() # to ensure immediate display if iteration == total: sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Unit Test #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest, time start_time = time.time() doctest.testmod() print(f"Execution time: {time.time() - start_time:.4f} seconds")